TheChina Talent Hotline is a software that provides online recruitment and job-seeking services for users. This software offers professional online job-seeking services, helping HR find the talents they need while also enabling job seekers to find their dream jobs effortlessly and swiftly.
Software Details:
The app offers a range of services to job seekers, including online job applications, career information, career planning, salary assessments, and job recommendations. For businesses, the app provides services such as online recruitment, headhunting, background checks, assessments, campus recruitment, overseas recruitment, and specialized recruitment events. With a vast database of corporate recruitment data and talent information, the app has developed various big data services and products such as talent assessments and training courses.
Software Functions:
Opportunities - Jobs Nearby: Explore high-paying and desirable job opportunities in your vicinity.
Opportunities - Recommended for You: We recommend jobs that match your preferences based on your job search intentions.
Big Companies and Offers: Want to showcase your skills on a larger platform? This is the place to do it.
High Salary Jobs: Looking for a higher salary? Challenge yourself with these high-salary positions.
Popular Jobs: See what jobs are currently in demand.
Messages: Keep up with your interview invitations, job invitations, and company updates.
Salary Information: Want to know what others are earning? Look here.
My Account: Edit and preview your resume, manage your account settings, view your application history, favorite jobs, and more.
Map Navigation: View driving, public transportation, and walking routes to company locations directly from the app.
Software Highlights:
1、Search and apply for jobs anytime, anywhere.
2、Preview and apply for jobs with your saved resume on the platform.
3、Easily access and manage your applied and favorite jobs on the go.
4、Personalize your search criteria to automatically find suitable jobs for you.
5、Never miss out on new job opportunities with real-time notifications of new matches in the "Recent Events" section.
Software Advantages:
Huge Job Database: With over 960K+ online jobs updated daily, covering various industries.
Job Search Functionality: Search for full-time or part-time jobs nearby using smart search and precise matching.
Efficient Job Application: Register your resume on the mobile app and easily refresh and apply for jobs anytime.
Real-time Updates: Stay informed about whether companies' HR or headhunters have viewed your resume.
Map Navigation Support: Easily find out the location of the company you've applied to and prepare accordingly for interviews.
Updates Details:
v4.5.0 Update:
1、[New Feature] Added a skill and expertise module to my resume.
2、[New Feature] Added a training experience module to my resume.
3、[New Feature] Added a self-evaluation module to my resume.
4、[New Feature] Added a personal certificate module to my resume.
5、[New Feature] Added a professional skills module to my resume.
6、[New Feature] Added a language ability module to my resume.
v4.3.0 Update:
1、[Optimization] Improved job invitation functionality.
2、[Optimization] Enhanced the interview invitation process.
3、[Optimization] Improved my applications section with bug fixes.
4、[Optimization] Enhanced new message notifications.
5、[Bug Fixes] Fixed display issues on some pages and resolved known bugs.
With its comprehensive features and constant updates, the China Talent Hotline app provides a seamless experience for both job seekers and employers alike, making the process of finding talent or a job more straightforward than ever before.