"Floating Sea Otter" is an intriguing and engaging puzzle-based game with a unique style. In this game, players will spend every day with an adorably cute sea otter, creating unforgettable and delightful moments together. Its gameplay is highly therapeutic, offering a range of exciting plots and challenges to explore and complete. Interested players, hurry up and download the game to experience the fun!
Game Introduction
"Floating Sea Otter" is a casual cultivation game that features a wealth of novel game scenarios.
In the game, players can collect all kinds of sea otters, complete the otter album, tackle various tasks, and fully explore the gameplay, even utilizing fragmented time to play.
Try out different items to see which ones can attract various types of sea otters to your game. Many sea otters can be acquired in just a few minutes, allowing players to collect more with ease.
Game Features
Add your favorite sea otter to the sea! Register its name! It floats at home. Items can be placed anywhere at will!
In this world, there's only one beach! Return your favorite sea otter to the sea or bring it home to let it float in the bathtub!
If a sea otter likes you, you'll receive a gift! There are many other features like lottery games!
With adorable Q-cute sea otters as the main characters, players can freely switch between them.
Game Highlights
Each play session offers different rewards. Come and try it out for fun!
To complete all tasks, collect different props to receive various rewards.
Overall, the game is excellent, and its gameplay is simple. Just a tap on the screen gets you started.
Let the sea otter swim in the sea and have a great time. The more sea otters you collect and the more challenges you complete, the more rewards you'll receive!